Publications on developments in machine learning usually describe not only operating processes of a neural network or an algorithm but also the basis of AI training. Generally, publicly available datasets recognized by the community are used for training purposes. However, it would be interesting to assess how effectively a system can be trained to the […]
Mar 2017
The emergence of standards in any technical field shows that the time of unique start-up solutions is coming to an end. Today these solutions are gradually being replaced by an industrial approach. New players are stepping in, they are not eager to take part in terminology controversy, but they would like to build rapport with […]
Business mobility is a wide term that covers a large range of questions starting from interactions with clients to arranging employees’ remote work. In this article, we will consider such aspect of corporate mobility as implementing a BYOD policy (Bring Your Own Device) in terms of increasing enterprise operational efficiency. Many companies have already adopted […]
Today Clutch has published an updated report on top software testing firms. The research leverages the proprietary Leaders Matrix methodology, which maps each firm’s focus on software testing against their ability to deliver reliable and high-quality results to their clients. The report includes eighteen companies, eight of them are qualified as leaders, and the next […]
Dec 2016
Suppose you have an app with a standard architecture of the following type “UI+web service+database”, and you would like to scale it. In this case, a number of problems may arise, such as high database load, no synchronization between instances, etc. To solve these issues, the In-memory-data-grid (IMDG) technology can be used. IMDG is a […]
Dec 2016
Today almost all medium and large IT companies are ISO 9001 certified. However, is it possible to develop high quality software, manage networks, provide Internet access, etc. without ISO 9001 certification? Definitely, yes. Then why is ISO 9001 so popular in the IT industry? And is it really good that this standard is so widespread? […]