The Netherlands-Russia Business Meet 2013 was dedicated to the Year of Russia in the Netherlands took place in the old building of the stock exchange in Amsterdam on April, 8th. The event gathered over 800 representatives of different businesses and government organizations of Russia and the Netherlands. The discussion panels and round tables were guided by the speeches of representatives of both governments, executives of leading companies and branch associations. Pavel Adylin, Artezio CEO and the chairman of RUSSOFT IT-association, spoke at the session dedicated to innovations. In his speech Mr. Adylin talked about the targets of RUSSOFT’s performance, the current situation in software development and outsourcing industry in general and the export potential of Russian IT-companies in particular, as well as introduced the possibilities and advantages that Dutch IT companies have as a result of cooperation with Russian partners.
Pavel Adylin, Artezio CEO: “The event was very well organized by the host party. In addition to the official part and branch round-table discussions, the participants had the ability to meet each other to establish personal contacts. On the part of RUSSOFT, both service and product companies, namely software developers, took part in the Netherlands-Russia Business Meet 2013. The main goal of RUSSOFT within the event consisted in using the Year of Russia in the Netherlands to demonstrate and deliver all the advantages that Russian IT companies offer to their customers in the European Union as compared to other players of the international outsourcing market. First of all, it refers to the higher quality of services, management of distributed projects, high professional level of Russian developers, their ability to solve non-standard tasks and propose innovations, territorial and cultural closeness. Unfortunately, nowadays not many Russian developers can boast the success on the Dutch market, though the service export from India to the Netherlands exceeds 1 Billion US Dollars and the shortage of qualified IT staff is only increasing. So we have enough work to do.”